Bangladesh Approves Cultivation of Two Bt Cotton Varieties

JUNE 23, 2022

The Bangladesh National Technical Committee on Crop Biotechnology (BNTCCB) has approved two Bt cotton varieties for cultivation in the country: JKCH 1947 Bt and JKCH 1950 Bt, both sourced from the Indian company JK AgriGenetics. AgbioInvestor estimates that these varieties utilise the Cry1Ac gene for the control of lepidopteran insect pests such as Tobacco Budworm, Pink Bollworm, Beet Armyworm and Soybean Looper. The approval represents the second GM crop approval in the country following Bt brinjal in 2013 (see AgbioNews Nov 22, 2013). The approval of another GM product, vitamin A-enriched golden rice, has been pending with regulators for the past four years.