Bayer Announces ThryvOn Cotton Trait

JANUARY 6, 2020

Bayer is expected to launch its new ThryvOn Technology cotton trait in the early part of this decade, pending completion of regulatory approvals. The trait provides control of tarnished plant bugs (Lygus hesperus and Lygus lineolaris) and thrips (Frankliniella spp.) through the utilisation of the MON 88702 genetic event that expresses the Cry51Aa2 protein. This will represent the first commercialised trait in the cotton industry specifically designed to protect the crop from these pests. The technology is expected to be stacked with Bollgard 3 XtendFlex.

Bayer has also recently sought de-regulation approval for its Lygus resistance trait in cotton (see AgbioNews Sep 26, 2019).