China Approves Two New US GM Crops for Import

JANUARY 6, 2020

China has approved two new genetically modified (GM) crops for import from the US: Corteva’s DAS-81419-2 soybean (marketed as Conkesta) and 55-1 papaya (marketed as Rainbow or SunUp), jointly developed by the USDA and Hawaii University. Conkesta provides lepidopteran insect resistance through the expression of the Cry1F and Cry1Ac genes, and confers tolerance to glufosinate herbicides through the expression of the PAT gene. The soybeans are to be stacked with the Enlist E3 trait, which confer tolerance to the herbicides 2,4-D, glyphosate and glufosinate, with Corteva’s Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides intended for use on these crops. The 55-1 papaya variety provides resistance to papaya ringspot virus and also confers antibiotic resistance.

Additionally, China re-approved 10 other GM products for import, including BASF’s T25 corn, A5547-127 soybean, T45 canola, Oxy-235 canola, and Ms8Rf3 canola. Bayer’s MON89788 soybean, 15985 cotton and H7-1 beet were also re-approved, along with Corteva’s 305423 soybean and 305423 × GTS40-3-2 soybean. The approvals, which took effect from December 2nd 2019, will last 3 years.