Embrapa to Launch GM Cotton and Soybean Cultivars

MAY 31, 2022

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa, is to launch two new transgenic cultivars, soybean BRS 8383IPRO and cotton BRS 437B2RF. The soybean cultivar BRS 8383IPRO is a medium cycle variety developed for production under drought and high-temperature stress, with resistance to the root-knot nematode M. incognita. BRS 8383IPRO make use of the Intacta RR2 Pro trait stack that provides tolerance to select lepidopteran insect pests as well as tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate. The cotton cultivar BRS 437 B2RF is intended for rain fed and irrigated growing conditions and includes Bollgard II RR Flex technology, providing resistance to select lepidopteran pests and glyphosate tolerance. It has also been developed for resistance to various diseases that affect the crop in Brazil, including ramularia leaf spot, blue disease, bacteriosis and common mosaic.