European Commission Publishes New Genomic Techniques Impact Assessment
SEPTEMBER 28, 2021
The European Commission (EC) has published an impact assessment seeking public comments on the legislation for plants produced by certain New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). The assessment follows a study published by the commission on NGTs earlier this year, which concluded that current GMO legislation, adopted in 2001, is not fit for purpose for these innovative technologies (see AgbioNews May 3, 2021).
The policy options are outlined below:
- Risk assessment and approval requirements proportionate to the risk involved, applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and consider specific elements such as the technique used, type of modification or novelty of the trait.
- A sustainability analysis to examine whether and in which way these products contribute to sustainability, considering the criteria proposed under the sustainable food systems framework.
- Appropriate traceability and labelling provisions that are implementable and enforceable and consider the capacity of the plants to contribute to sustainable food systems whilst ensuring the consumers’ right to make informed choices.
- Mechanisms to be able to rapidly adjust elements of the legislation and its implementation over time, in line with scientific and technological progress, for future-proof regulatory framework