Genetically Modified Maize Closer to Approval in Kenya
Kenya is now closer to approving the commercialisation of insect resistant (Bt) maize varieties. Bt maize contains a gene from the bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis which provides protection against lepidopteran insect pests, eliminating or reducing the need to spray the crop with pesticides. The Kenyan National Biosafety Authority (NBA) approved the varieties to be grown at six sites (Embu, Thika, Kakamega, Alupe, Kibos and Mwea) under national performance trials last year, with the results now submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture for assessment. The NBA is expected to assess the impact of Bt maize on human and animal health, as well as the environment. Commercialisation is expected by 2022, provided it is approved by Kenya’s relevant government agencies.