India to Field Trial GM Mustard (DMH-11)
The Indian government has granted approval for field trials of transgenic hybrid mustard (DMH-11), which was developed by India's Delhi University. DMH-11 mustard possesses tolerance to the herbicide glufosinate.
Currently, GM cotton is the only crop to have received cultivation approval in India, with GM maize and herbicide tolerant GM cotton gaining approval for field trails earlier this year (see AgbioNews Sep 26, 2022). India is a large importer of edible oils, with GM soybean oil for food use having already been granted approval. Currently, there is no predicted time frame for when cultivation approval or commercial use of GM mustard seeds would be received from the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), the part of India's environment ministry responsible for appraising genetically engineered organisms and products released into the environment.