PhytoGen Omits Glyphosate Tolerance From W3E1 Cotton Trait Package

AUGUST 31, 2022

Corteva's US cottonseed brand PhytoGen has announced a new GM cotton trait package, W3E1, for the southwest US region for the 2023 season. The trait package provides resistance to select lepidopteran insect pests via the use of the WideStrike 3 trait and tolerance to the Enlist One (2,4-D) herbicide and glufosinate herbicides. Tolerance to glyphosate is no longer included, allowing growers to use products containing the active ingredient in the off-season as a cotton stalk destruct application or to control volunteer cotton. PhytoGen W3E1 varieties will be available in the southwest Cotton Belt, with PhytoGen to license the W3E1 trait package to other cottonseed brands, from 2023.