USDA Deregulates Corteva’s DP202216 Maize
The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has granted deregulation status to Corteva’s GM maize event DP202216. Maize varieties containing event DP202216 have been genetically modified to increase and extend the expression of the zmm28 gene, reportedly resulting in maize with enhanced grain yield potential. In addition, the varieties also possess tolerance to the herbicide glufosinate through the expression of the phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (pat) gene. A plant pest risk assessment undertaken by APHIS concluded that DP202216 maize varieties are unlikely to pose a plant pest risk to agricultural crops or other plants in the USA.
Corteva submitted an application to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for the approval of its GM maize event DP202216 earlier this year (see AgbioNews Aug 7, 2020).