EFSA Gives Positive Opinion of Corteva's 4-Event Stacked Maize

NOVEMBER 10, 2022

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has reported a positive scientific opinion of Corteva’s DP4114 × MON 89034 × MON 87411 × DAS-40278-9 GM maize for import, processing and food and feed uses. The four-event stacked maize was produced by conventional crossing to combine the four single events: DP4114 (expressing Cry1F, Cry34Ab1, Cry35Ab1 and PAT genes), MON 89034 (expressing Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2), MON 87411 (expressing Cry3Bb1, DvSnf7 dsRNA and CP4 epsps) and DAS-40278-9 (expressing AAD-1) to confer resistance to certain lepidopteran and coleopteran pests and tolerance to the FOP (aryloxyphenoxypropionate) class of herbicides as well as glyphosate and 2,4-D. The stacked maize event has previously received approval in Taiwan and South Korea.