HB4 Wheat Approved for Cultivation in Paraguay
JULY 5, 2023
The commercial release of HB4 wheat, which utilises the genetic event IND 412 (IND-ØØ412-7) to confer drought- and glufosinate-tolerance, has been approved in Paraguay following a review by the National Commission for Agricultural and Forestry Biosafety (CONBIO) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG). Bioceres submitted the application to register HB4 wheat in the country in 2015.
Paraguay is the third country to authorise the cultivation of HB4 wheat, after Argentina (see AgbioNews Oct 8, 2020) and Brazil (AgbioNews Mar 6, 2023). HB4 wheat is also approved for food and feed use in the US, Nigeria and Brazil, food use in Australia, New Zealand and Colombia, and for feed use in Argentina.