Yield10 and Vision Bioenergy Oilseeds Enter Camelina Licensing Agreement

FEBRUARY 15, 2024

Yield10 Bioscience has granted Vision Bioenergy Oilseeds (Vision) a global licence to certain proprietary varieties of Camelina sativa (camelina) for the production of feedstock oil for biofuels. Through the agreement, Yield10 will supply Vision with certain spring and winter camelina varieties, including varieties with tolerance to glufosinate and Group 2 (ALS inhibitors) herbicides. Vision will also have a 3-year period of exclusivity to commercialise the licensed traits and varieties for biofuel use, with the granted licence to convert to non-exclusive status worldwide after this period.

Vision Bioenergy Oilseeds is a US agricultural company focused on promoting camelina as a feedstock for advanced renewable fuels. The company recently entered into a joint development agreement with Adama to commercialise new broadleaf weed control solutions for camelina growers (see AgbioNews Nov 8, 2023).