APHIS Issues Responses to Regulatory Status Review for Five GM Plants
MAY 31, 2024
The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has reviewed five genetically modified (GM) plants to determine whether they pose an increased plant pest risk relative to non-modified comparators. APHIS has determined that the GM plants are unlikely to pose an increased plant pest risk compared to other cultivated plants and, as a result, are not subject to increased regulation and may be safely grown and bred in the United States. The plant varieties reviewed are as follows:
- Corteva (Pioneer), DP915635 maize modified for corn rootworm insect resistance and glufosinate herbicide tolerance.
- Qi-Biodesign, soybean modified for altered product quality (increase in oleic acid and a decrease in linoleic acid).
- Michigan State University, two potato plants modified for disease (potato late blight and potato virus Y) resistance.
- CoverCress, pennycress modified for altered product quality.