Australia Receives Trigall Application for GM Wheat Field Trials

MARCH 6, 2024

Australia’s Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) has received an application from Trigall Australia to conduct a field trial of genetically modified (GM) wheat with increased tolerance to environmental stress. The trial period is proposed to take place over a period of 5 years, on up to 10 sites with a maximum area of 20 hectares annually. The trial sites would be located in wheat growing areas of New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia. The trial would be subject to control measures that restrict the spread and persistence of the GM plants and their introduced genetic material, whilst the GM wheat would not be used for human food or animal feed. The OGTR is preparing a Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan for the application and is expected be released for public comment and advice from experts, agencies and authorities in early June 2024. There will be at least 30 days for submission of comments.

Trigall Australia was formed in early 2023 as a joint venture between Trigall Genetics and S&W Seed aimed at developing wheat varieties using biotechnology (see AgbioNews 03 Jan, 2023).