Total GM Crop Areas Increased in 2023
Preliminary analysis by AgbioInvestor's free to access service GM Monitor has shown that the global GM crop area, including government supplied and farmer saved seed, rose by 1.9% to reach 206.26 million hectares in the 2023 agricultural year.
At the regional level, growth was driven by South America (+4.1%) followed by Rest of World (+3.3%), which more than offset area declines in North America (-0.1%), Asia (-0.2%) and Europe (-31.2%). On a crop basis, the strongest rate of growth of crops cultivated on a sizeable area was maize (+4.5%), followed by canola (+2.9%) and soybean (+1.9%). In 2023, the USA remained the leading country in terms of GM area, with 74.4 million hectares (-0.4%) cultivated in 2023. Brazil, the second-largest GM area, experienced growth of 5.9% to reach 66.9 million hectares.