Australia Receives Application for GM Wheat and Barley Field Trials

NOVEMBER 30, 2023

Australia’s Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) has received an application from The University of Adelaide for the limited and controlled release of genetically modified (GM) wheat and barley for a field trial for yield enhancement. The trial period will last from May 2024 to January 2029, can take place on up to a total of 2 hectares per year at a singular site and is not to be used in commercial food or animal feed.

The University of Adelaide has made the following genetic modifications:

  • Wheat;
    • Expression of three genes involved in yield enhancement (expressed both individually and in combination)
    • Expression of five genes involved in yield enhancement and water use efficiency (expressed individually)
    • Knockout of two endogenous genes involved in yield enhancement
  • Barley;
    • Knockout of eight endogenous genes involved in yield, architecture, and nutrient use efficiency